The Wiki Channel Wiki
The Wiki Channel Wiki
Casting board

Casting is very simple here! On The Wiki Channel Wiki, you can cast for a new show, new episode, new movie, etc.! All you do is go on the Casting board and tell who and what you are casting! Make sure to give the character's name, description, age, and physical description!


  • Character Name: Kevin Michaelson
  • Character Age: 17 years old
  • Character Physical Description: Kevin is a teenager. It is preferred that Kevin is muscular but anything is fine. The physical description is not heavily relied on for casting this character.
  • Character Description: Kevin is the boyfriend of Lauren in Luke & Lauren. He is very sweet and kind. He cares a lot for Lauren. He is also a huge softy and loves romance.
  • Other Details: Kevin will be a recurring character for all of season 2.


It is very important that all casting is reasonable. You cannot cast an actor who already is booked with various other projects at the same time or who has already been cast in too many projects. Also, you cannot give well known actors downgrading roles. For example, if an actor had a main role in a movie and is the main character in a TV show, you should not cast them as the mean girl's minion in another movie.

Additionally, your own actors can only make up to 60% of the cast of any of your projects. (Ex: Only 3 can be your actors in a cast of 5, only 4 can be your actors in a cast of 7, only 4 can be your actors in a cast of 8, etc.)
